Expertise in Drinking Water Filtration

From infections to more serious and potentially debilitating conditions, there are more than a handful of dangers lurking when unhealthful water runs down from faucets. Thus, it is vitally important for water facilities to ensure that drinking water is efficiently filtered before distribution is sanctioned to consumers who expect nothing but a safe and potable water.
Recently, however, a water treatment facility embarked on a major refurbishment activity, only to find out disturbing concerns when their filtration system was tested.

A worrying discovery

Having been in use for a long period of time, the sand filtration system employed by the facility was due for replacement, and an identical design was selected during the refurbishment. Top quality filter nozzles suppliers Tecpro were commissioned for the supply and installation of the new filter nozzles.
Routine testing however brought one challenge to fore; the new nozzles were dysfunctional due to some underlying problem within the system.  Clues soon emerged when uneven bubbles jetted out of the nozzles following the air scour cycle test, inferring that there was inconsistency somewhere within the system. However, the specific cause was difficult to substantiate with no further leads identified.

The experts come in

Tecpro’s experts, in synergy with the contractor who handled the commissioning of the nozzles, went all in to determine the root cause of the problem. The contractor, based interstate, managed to provide sufficient videos and images detailing the underpinning events in the system to Tecpro’s in-house experts. This allowed Tecpro to zero in on the cause of the problem by analysing the processes in play.  

Not long after and Tecpro experts would determine that some filter nozzles were inappropriately oriented in contrast to others, resulting in uneven flow immediately after the introduction of air scour. Filtration systems have to be dynamically structured, and even filter nozzles are central for efficient functioning. This understanding provided a key information that would help in identifying the specific cause of the problem.

Having consulted with Italian manufacturer Ilmap and expertly analysing the videos, Tecpro seamlessly identified that the glitch had to do with incorrect introduction of the air scour into the pipes below. This caused uneven air distribution through the nozzles and ultimately made it difficult to efficiently filter and remove impurities from the water.

This fault was discovered to be occasioned by the system’s flawed design. However, with Tecpro pulling the right strings and identifying the problem within weeks, the system was partially redesigned to fix the original flaw and allow for seamless water flow.

Disaster averted through quick-thinking and matchless technical expertise

Thanks to quick thinking and Tecpro experts who swung into action right on time, the underlying design flaw was successfully nipped in the bud, saving the water treatment facility from untold disasters. Poor standard of drinking water would obviously have ensued, a risk too big for any water treatment facility. Additional problems such as clogging would also be unavoidable in the long run, leading to immature system repair or a complete overhaul of the whole water treatment system. Having a filtration system inoperative for long periods would also have been a herculean challenge for the water facility in addition to losing government and community support.


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