It is mandatory in New York to obtain ACP5 Forms when carrying out demolition, renovation or any other construction project. Thus, a certified asbestos investigator is required to test the presence or otherwise of Asbestos in Presumed Asbestos Containing Materials (PACM). Individuals conducting asbestos inspections are certified by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection to carry out this hazard assessment. Hence, they are competent and their results, reliable, when invited to evaluate structures and buildings suspected to contain asbestos materials. Bulk samples taken for asbestos inspection is also permitted for individuals certified by the New York State Department of Labour (NYS DOL) An asbestos investigator may consider some or all the areas at high-risk, in which case bulk samples will be collected and submitted for analysis in any Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) laboratory under the New York State Department of Health. Asbestos Assessment ...