Is your drinking water produced using Water Certified Nozzles?
Although astonishing, chances are that your drinking water filter nozzles might not be particularly safe, especially when they are laden with harmful contaminants or modify the chemical properties of the water running through it. However, the French Health Authorities took a decisive step in 1999 in a bid to circumvent this tripwire. In ensuring that water remains potable even after passing through filter nozzles, authorities introduced a comprehensive checklist of safety standards for plastic filter nozzles. Hence, plastic products had to meet these requirements to be considered safe for use in drinking water for human consumption. Certificates were only given after a careful evaluation and screening process of products to ensure that accessories and components met safety requirements. For example, products must not be shown to possess the ability to modify the physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological properties of water intended for human consumption. Itali...